Serie overleggen tussen Kosovo en Servië onder leiding van EU moeten praktische samenwerking bevorderen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 22 november 2011.


Brussels, 22 November 2011


EU facilitated dialogue: Positive resumption Brussels, 21 - 22 November 2011

The seventh meeting of the dialogue foreseen in UN General Assembly Resolution 64/298 was held with the facilitation of the EU on 21 - 22 November, in Brussels. The meeting was chaired by the EU facilitator, Mr. Robert Cooper. Mr. Stefanovic led the Serbian delegation and Dr. Tahiri led the Kosovo delegation

The meeting built on the discussions from the previous meetings, held on 8-9 March, 28 March, 15 April, 17-18 May, 2 July and 2 September, as well as on work conducted by technical working groups

Following the agreement reached in principle on 2 July, the two parties agreed that the European University Association will be asked to certify diplomas issued by universities of each party for use by the other in connection with further education and/or public employment

Progress was made on the issue of effective and inclusive regional cooperation. It was agreed that the parties would return to the issue at their next meeting with a view to reaching an agreement, in the context of the EU's overall strategy for the region

The parties reviewed the implementation process of previously reached agreements and committed themselves to proceed rapidly in this process. They welcomed progress made this week in the technical working groups, including on civil registry and freedom of movement

In this context, the concept of Integrated Border Management was discussed as a way forward to find a European solution for crossing points

The next meeting will be held before the end of November