Leden van het Europese Parlement ontmoeten afgevaardigden ACS-landen in Togo (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 18 november 2011, 12:13.

MEPs and their counterparts from African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries will discuss the consequences of the Arab spring in Sub-Saharan Africa, the food crisis, and the impact of indebtness on the financing of development at their meeting from 19 to 23 November in Lomé, capital of Togo. At the 22nd EU-ACP Joint Parliamentary Assembly, MEPs will also examine the health and energy challenges facing developing countries, as well as the situation of young people.

The EU-ACP Joint Parliamentary Assembly (JPA) brings together elected representatives of the European Union and the ACP countries, that is MEPs and MPs from 78 states that have signed the Cotonou Agreement, the basis for ACP-EU development cooperation.

The European Parliament's delegation in Lomé will be chaired by JPA Co-President Louis MICHEL i (ALDE i, BE).

JPA members meet in standing committees (on Political Affairs, on Economic Development, Finance and Trade, and on Social Affairs and Environment) and in plenary. Plenary sessions are held twice a year, alternately in an ACP and an EU country. The last session took place from 16 to 18 May 2011 in Budapest, Hungary.