Commissie voor Constitutionele zaken EP keurt gedragscode voor Europarlementariërs goed (en)

Met dank overgenomen van M. (Martin) Schulz i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 17 november 2011.

The President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek i has welcomed the adoption of the report on the Code of Conduct for MEPs by Constitutional Affairs Committee in Strasbourg today.

EP President Jerzy Buzek said:

"I strongly welcome the adoption of the report on the new Code of Conduct for MEP by the Constitutional Affairs Committee. The vote with all MEPs in the Committees voting in favour with only one abstention shows the strong commitment by all Members of the European Parliament to ensure full transparency in performance of their duties vote.

I pay tribute to the rapporteur Carlo Casini MEP and all the shadows of the Constitutional Affairs Committee for their excellent and constructive cooperation in building on the already extraordinary work of the Working Group who drew up the new Code of Conduct for MEPs. I am particularly pleased that the Code of Conduct for MEPs has been adopted by the Constitutional Affairs Committee today as I have been personally committed to its adoption and have chaired the intensive work in of the Working Group.

Increased power of the European Parliament must be accompanied by increased responsibility and transparency on behalf of its members. The report adopted today by the Committee represents a major improvement to the status quo. The Code of Conduct will provide a strong shield against unethical behaviour."


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