Marie Curie Fellows lopen week mee met Europarlementariërs (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Onderwijs, jeugd, sport en cultuur (EAC) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 7 november 2011.

Between 21 and 24 November, the European Parliament will host a new type of visitor, who will significantly differ from the usual EU affairs specialists. During one week, 12 researchers who received European funding will be "paired" with a Member of the European Parliament who is involved in the Scientific Technology Options Assessment (STOA) Committee. Later in the year the MEP will visit the scientist in his/her institution thereby getting an insight on how research is conducted in practice.

This year, two current Marie Curie Researchers and one former Marie Curie Fellow have been selected. These researchers are working on societal challenges such as cognitive mechanisms applied to robotics or the impact of climate change on biodiversity.

The scheme aims to support the development of relationships between MEPs and scientists to improve access to scientific advice and deepen scientists’ understanding of the role of science in policy-making. By spending time with leading scientists who benefitted from EU funding, MEPs will have a first hand experience of the importance of researchers' contribution to a knowledge and innovation society.

This is even more relevant given that later this year, MEPs will have to adopt the budget for Horizon 2020, the next multi-annual framework for Research and Innovation (which includes the Marie Curie Actions).