Buzek feliciteert Plevneliev met winst Bulgaarse presidentsverkiezingen (en)
Following the results of 2011 presidential elections in Bulgaria, the President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek i stated:
"I congratulate Rosen Plevneliev on winning the presidential elections in Bulgaria.
Bulgarians have chosen a president who has already served his country well as Minister of Regional Development. Mr Plevneliev faces an important task of strengthening the unity of Bulgarians and translating a hope for the better future into a reality. In these turbulent times of economic crisis, Bulgaria needs strong bonds among its people.
Bulgaria faces a number of challenges, including painful economic reforms and finalisation of the accession to the passport-free Schengen travel zone. The European Parliament supports Bulgaria's legitimate demand to enter Schengen.
I wish the president-elect a successful term in office and I look forward to cooperate with him in all relevant fields."
-Robert A. Golanski
Mobile: +32 475 751 663
-Delia Vlase
Press Officer
Mobile: +32 476 331 038