Winnaar Early Career Researcher Competition bekend (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Regionaal beleid en Stadsontwikkeling (REGIO) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 18 oktober 2011.

The second annual early career researcher competition was held at this year's OPEN DAYS, European Week of Regions and Cities (10-13 October). DG REGIO i, together with the Regional Studies Association, invited early career researchers in European regional policy to present their research in the form of a poster. 6 finalists were chosen this year out of nearly 80 applications by the jury, which was made up of Veronica Gaffey, Head of the Evaluation Unit, DG REGIO, Ana Stankaitiene, Principal adviser, EU Structural Assistance Management Department, Ministry of Finance, Lithuania and David Bailey , Chair of the Regional Studies Association, and Professor at the Faculty of Business, Environment and Society, Coventry University, United Kingdom

The six finalists presented their research at OPEN DAYS in front of approximately 40 participants. The winner, Anne Nygaard Tanner from the Technical University of Denmark presented her research "Where do high tech industries of the 21st century locate? And how can regional policy attract new industries?" while the runner-up, Andrei Mitrea from the ‘Ion Mincu’ University of Architecture and Urban Planning (UAUIM), Bucharest, Romania presented his research on "Regional Innovation Systems within Urban-Rural Relations in Romania. A mid-term regional development strategy based on the wood industry". Details of the next early career researcher competition will be announced in February 2012.