Strengere sancties tegen Wit-Rusland
EU reinforces restrictive measures concerning Belarus
The Council today reinforced the restrictive measures on those responsible for the continuing repression of civil society, the political opposition and the independent media in Belarus.
The existing restrictive measures were prolonged until 31 October 2012: They subject 192 individuals to a visa ban and an assets freeze, namely those responsible for the violations of international electoral standards in the presidential elections in 2006 and 2010 as well as for the crackdown on civil society and democratic opposition. In addition, the assets of three companies linked to the regime are frozen while exports to Belarus of arms and materials that might be used for internal repression are prohibited.
The Council today added 16 persons to the list of those targeted by a visa ban and an assets freeze.
The decisions, including the list of additional designations, will be published in the Official Journal of 11 October.
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