Commissie organiseert conferentie over ICT en ICT-onderzoek (en)
This event is organised by the European Commission's Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS). The main objectives of the conference are to identify and debate trends in the changing global ICT and ICT R&D landscape, to debate their impact on the EU ICT industry and the consequences for research and innovation location and modes, as well as to discuss implications for ICT R&D and innovation policies in Europe.
The Conference will bring together industry representatives, ICT R&D and innovation analysts, and policy makers from Europe, the US and Asia. It is hoped that the conference will contribute to the policy debates on ICT R&D in Europe.The Conference itself is part of a long-term study by IPTS on "R&D in ICT in the European Union", which documents the private and public expenditures in ICT in Europe and worldwide, and provides additional information on aspects such as companies' R&D expenditures, internationalisation trends or patenting.
See also:2011 report on R&D in ICT in the EU