Belangrijke projecten in Griekenland (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Regionaal beleid en Stadsontwikkeling (REGIO) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 4 oktober 2011.

Following the visit of Commissioner Hahn to Athens on 19-21 September which initiated a series of Action Plans to stimulate the Greek economy, the Greek authorities have compiled a list of 44 viable major projects that according to their estimations should be completed within the current programming period i.e. by 2015. These projects should bring a concrete and immediate contribution to economic growth and jobs in Greece. The feasibility of each project has so far been assessed by the Greek Managing Authorities and sets out deadlines and lines of responsibility. The management and implementation of these 44 major projects remain under the full responsibility of the Greek authorities. It is foreseen that these projects will accelerate the absorption of EU Structural Funds with a particular emphasis on developing infrastructure within the operational programme's priorities.

The list is established by the Greek authorities and does not pre-empt the agreement of the Commission's services on these projects (a review will take place with all related Commission Services including the new Task Force) nor their approval by the Commission before the official submission and assessment of the files for the major projects.

In parallel, the Commission Services are working together with the Greek authorities to draw up a list of viable flagship projects which are not only mature, but will also boost regional economic growth and employment opportunities to maximum effect. A preliminary list is currently under evaluation by the Commission Services and will be finalised in the coming weeks.

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