Toespraak EP-voorzitter Buzek op Oostelijk Partnerschap-top (en)
Following his intervention in the plenary session of the Eastern Partnership Summit in Warsaw, the President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek i stated:
"The cooperation with our Eastern friends strengthens stability and prosperity and will bring lasting benefits to our citizens.
We are pursuing together crucial goals: democracy, human rights, economic integration and energy security. Anchoring the EU's Eastern neighbours into a clear, increasingly strong and mutually beneficial partnership is in everyone's interests.
Today also serves as an opportunity to strike the right balance between the Southern and Eastern dimensions of our neighbourhood policy, both politically and financially. Whilst we should do our utmost to support the democratic aspirations of our neighbours in the South, we should not overlook the desire for Europe which comes from the East.
The European Parliament supports the "more for more" principle, in the form of constructive engagement at all levels. The lack of progress in some of our Eastern European partners in the fields of democracy, rule of law, the independence of the judiciary and the respect for the opposition, means that the full potential of our cooperation rests unfulfilled.
Yet the attitude coming from today's summit and the successive meetings of the Euronest parliamentary assembly show an eagerness to engage which will be conducive to an ever closer partnership."
Note to editors:
President Buzek remarks at the "Eastern Partnership Conference":
More details about the Eastern Partnership summit can be found here:
More details about the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly can be found here:
-Robert A. Golanski
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-Delia Vlase
Press Officer
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