Persconferentie over taakgroep voor Griekenland (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Economische en financiële zaken (ECFIN) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 15 september 2011.

Mr Reichenbach defined TF priorities in two categories. The first concerns assistance to Greece in coping with its budgetary challenges. Actions will include arranging a better tax collection system, developing e-governance to be used more widely, and reforming the public health system. The second category is about getting Greece back on a path towards growth, employment creation and competitiveness, acknowledging the difficult experience of the Greek population. Action will include ensuring better use of the structural funds (infrastructure, energy, tourism, industry, training) and making Greece more attractive for investment and enterprise. Lack of liquidity of the Greek banking sector is seen as a big problem in this context.