Eurocommissaris Füle over voortgang Europese integratie van Kosovo (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 19 september 2011.

Today I met Ms. Vlora Çitaku, Minister for European Integration of Kosovo, to discuss the state of Kosovo reforms, in view of the upcoming Progress Report on Kosovo.

Minister Çitaku also informed me about the latest developments as regards the implementation of the agreement on customs stamps reached within the scope of the Belgrade/Pristina dialogue.

She informed me that Kosovo had lifted the embargo on Serbian goods. I hope that the restoration of the free movement of goods in both directions will be possible shortly. I also expect that the next round of the dialogue will bring further agreements.

I welcomed the personal engagement of Minister Çitaku in promoting the European agenda in Kosovo. Her Ministry has strengthened its coordinating role and has managed efficiently the Stabilisation and Association Process Dialogue.

Regarding a possible visa liberalisation dialogue, our expert mission on the reintegration process of repatriated persons visited Kosovo last week. The experts will now assess the progress achieved. On trade issues, I expect to see the adoption of the autonomous trade measures soon. Following the Commission's assessment as communicated last May, I also note progress on important trade related legislation. Finally, it is important that Member States find an agreement on Kosovo's participation in 'Europe for citizens' and culture programmes.

The Commission continues to support Kosovo in implementing the reforms necessary to fulfil its European perspective.