Programma bezoek Voorzitter Europese Raad aan Verenigde Naties (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 16 september 2011.


Brussels, 16 September 2011 PC

United Nations General Assembly: main activities of President Van Rompuy during the UNGA week

UN General Assembly, New York

Tuesday, 20 September

10.00 Bilateral meeting with UNSG Ban Ki-moon i 10.30 High level meeting on Libya

12.00 Executive Round Table Discussion chaired by Bill Clinton (Clinton Foundation) 16.00 Intervention at the Haiku competition of the United Nation International School

Wednesday, 21 September

09.00 UN General Assembly General Debate: speeches by UNSG Mr Ban Ki-moon, President of

Brazil, Mrs Dilma Rousseff, President of US, Mr Barack Obama i 13.15 Luncheon hosted by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon 15.00-17.00 Bilateral meetings

18.00 Emile Noel Lecture "Europe and the United States: A Transatlantic Dialogue" (NYU) Thursday, 22 September

11.00 Address of the President to the UN General Assembly General Debate 15.00-16:45 Bilateral meetings

17.00 Meeting with Robert E. Rubin, Co-Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations

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