Verklaring van Barroso na zijn ontmoeting met Kanselier Merkel in Berlijn (en)
"The Chancellor and I took stock of the situation in the Euro area in a comprehensive exchange of views.
The Euro is, and remains, a real asset for both Germany and the EU as a whole, and Germans have much more to gain than to lose from their contribution to the "Rettungsschirm". Help can only continue to those who make all efforts to bring their house in order. Like Germany, the Commission is working for the EU to emerge from the crisis stronger, as a Stability Union AND as a Growth Union.
To have success we need more, not less, Europe. Deeper integration is part of the solution to prevent debt crises in the future. It will not happen overnight, but it will happen, in a steadfast, democratic process. What both the citizens and the markets want, is political determination and economic discipline. This is what the EU needs to deliver."