Leden EP-Commissie Vervoer verwelkomen voorstel Europese Commissie over invoering eCall systeem in nieuwe auto's (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 8 september 2011, 14:58.

A Commission proposal to make eCall road accident reporting devices mandatory on all new cars and light commercial vehicles sold in the EU from 2015 was welcomed by Transport Committee MEPs at a meeting with Digital Agenda Commissioner Neelie Kroes i on Thursday. The devices currently cost under €100 to install.

The eCall system, which is activated automatically when in-vehicle sensors detect a serious crash, dials the EU emergency number 112 and sends details of the accident, including accurate location data, that enable emergency rescue teams to arrive 40% faster in urban areas and 50% faster in rural ones.

Replying to MEPs' concerns about data protection and privacy safeguards, Ms Kroes said that the device is activated only in the event of a serious crash and that safeguarding human lives is more important than safeguarding privacy: "eCall has the potential to reduce the number of road fatalities by at least 4% and severe injuries by at least 6%. This means that one life could be saved every 6 hours if eCall were deployed", she said.

Transport Committee MEPs called on the Commission to work on organizing an effective eCall information campaign for EU citizens and recommended that eCall technology also be introduced on heavy vehicles, such as trucks or buses.

The Commission will propose separate regulations to adapt the vehicle type-approval legislation and to add specifications on the equipment of the Emergency Call Response Centres pursuant to the Intelligent Transport Services Directive.

In the chair: Dominique Riquet i (EPP, FR)