Verklaring voorzitter EP Buzek over de internationale ontwikkelingen in Kosovo (en)

Met dank overgenomen van M. (Martin) Schulz i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 6 september 2011.

The President of the European Parliament, Jerzy Buzek, made the following statement following today's meeting with the President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga:

"I am very glad to welcome President Jahjaga today, on her first visit to the European Parliament. We had a very rich discussion that took much longer than scheduled.

I would like to encourage all remaining five member states to recognise Kosovo's independence. The EP has asked for this step in its resolution of July 2010, one year ago.

Kosovo's future lies in the EU, together with all Western Balkan countries. We want Kosovo to achieve reconciliation, stability, democracy and prosperity.

Any progress in that regard requires good relations with all neighbours and strengthening the rule of law. We discussed intensively the problems connected to organised crime and corruption.

I expect Kosovo to deepen dialogue with Belgrade and to fully cooperate with EULEX. If the necessary conditions are met, Kosovo can count on the EP's support for enhancing the partnership with the EU, especially in working towards visa liberalisation.

I am delighted that progress in the EU mediated dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is visible at last. Last Friday's agreements on customs stamps and cadastral records will boost regional trade and practically improve people's everyday life.

Europe is ready to help. You belong to our European family"