Verklaring door Europese Commissie over economie en politieke situatie België (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Economische en financiële zaken (ECFIN) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 1 september 2011.

The reports in the media this morning on the Commission's position on the state of the Belgian government and the economic situation are unfounded. Contrary to what is claimed, there is no change in the Commission's position. The European Commission, as we have repeated on many occasions, has full confidence that the current caretaker government will take the necessary decisions in the current context. The Commission also has confidence in the democratic process in Belgium. More specifically concerning the surveillance of the economic situation for all countries in the EU, the Commission made a series of recommendations in the framework of the EU Semester i, which were adopted by the Council on 11 July. The Commission is monitoring in all Member States the implementation of these recommendations. It is not foreseen to undertake any specific steps for Belgium.