EP-voorzitter Buzek roept op tot kalmte in Kosovo (en)

Met dank overgenomen van M. (Martin) Schulz i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 28 juli 2011.

On the news of renewed violence in northern Kosovo, European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek i made the following statement:

"I have learnt with great regret that ghosts of the past are trying to disturb the peace in northern Kosovo. Recent violence is unacceptable and must stop. I call on the leaders in Belgrade and Pristina to help ease the tension.

On behalf of the European Parliament I send our heartfelt thoughts to the people wounded in the recent clashes.

Reconciliation is part of the European integration process. It is important that civilians of all ethnic groups and religions overcome divisions of the past to achieve a peaceful coexistence, stability and prosperity."


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