EU veroordeelt geweld in Kosovo en prijst werk Europese en internationale politiemissies (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Uitbreiding (ELARG) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 28 juli 2011.

"I strongly condemn the violence that has taken place in northern Kosovo. These latest developments are unacceptable. I also deplore the casualties these incidents have caused. Our thoughts are with the families and the bereaved. It is the responsibility of both Belgrade and Pristina to immediately defuse the tensions, and restore calm and security for everyone. Violence will never be tolerated and unilateral actions are not the way forward. I have spoken to both President Tadic and Prime Minister Thaçi to convey my concern and underline their responsibilities. It is now critical for both sides to return to dialogue, and to resolve the underlying issues without delay. Let me also support and commend the efforts of EULEX and KFOR to diffuse the situation."