Voorzitter Europarlement Buzek herdenkt val van Srebrenica (en)
Recalling the massacre of Srebrenica of 11 July 1995, the President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek i stated:
"On behalf of the European Parliament, I would like to express our profound sympathy and solidarity with the families of the victims, many of whom are living without certainty about the fate of their fathers, sons, husbands or brothers.
Remembering the atrocity, we must make sure it will never be repeated. This is why reconciliation is vital, as much as bringing the responsible for the massacre to justice. The arrest of Ratko Mladic is a step in the right direction, although it will be only a small solace to the families and friends of the 8,000 Bosnian men and boys massacred 16 years ago.
Reconciliation is part of the European integration process. It is important that civilians of all ethnicities and religions overcome the tensions of the past and begin a peaceful coexistence to achieve stability and prosperity."
-Marcin Grajewski
Press Team Leader
Mobile: +32 498 981 550
-Robert A. Golanski
Mobile: +32 475 751 663