Commissievoorzitter Barroso over het overlijden van oud-Europarlementariër Otto von Habsburg (en)
Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 4 juli 2011.
"With Otto von Habsburg, a great European has left us who gave an important impetus to the European project throughout his rich life. As a long-serving member of the European Parliament and its Doyen he marked the European success story. In his capacity as the President of the International Paneuropean Union he made a central contribution to the opening of the iron curtain and the peaceful reunification of our continent that had been divided for too long. I will particularly remember his strong stance against all forms of totalitarianism and on Europe's fundamental values. Otto von Habsburgs commitment to Europe should set a political example for all of us, especially in difficult times."