Gezamenlijke verklaring Europese Commissie en CARIFORUM: EU en Carïbisch gebied willen samenwerking verstevigen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 4 juli 2011.

On the occasion of the Thirty-Second Regular Meeting of the Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community in Frigate Bay, St.Kitts, CARICOM Heads of Government met with Mr. Andris Piebalgs i, European Union Commissioner for Development in special session on 2 July 2011.

A series of political and cooperation issues were discussed. The encounter marked a new phase in further enhancing Caribbean-EU relations. Development cooperation has picked up significantly, the CARIFORUM/EU Economic Partnership Agreement is being implemented and both Sides are working together on a Joint Caribbean/EU Strategy to lay the groundwork for a more mature relationship which will encompass political dialogue and development cooperation.

Regional integration and related issues and, in addition, a series of specific themes related to trade ,climate change and environment, crime and security and implementation of ongoing and planned programmes were also addressed.

During the visit of the EU Development Commissioner, Agreements for disbursement of budget support to Jamaica and for a 7.9 million Euro programme to support the Climate Change Agenda of the region were signed. The Commissioner also engaged in a series of bilateral meetings.

The Caribbean and the European Union reaffirmed their determination to further enhance their longstanding relationship and cooperation