Verklaring EP-voorzitter Buzek (en)

Met dank overgenomen van M. (Martin) Schulz i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 29 juni 2011.

Commenting on today's vote of the Hellenic Parliament on the new package of fiscal measures proposed by the Greek government, the President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek i stated:

"I welcome the landmark vote in the Hellenic Parliament to approve the fiscal reform package. These measures will help to restore Greece's financial credibility and push its budget deficit and public debt towards the path of sustainability.

The package is necessary for Greece to receive financial aid from the international community, which will in time allow the economy to return to growth. Serious structural reforms along the lines discussed in the Euro Plus Pact are needed, especially in terms of retirement ages, other labour market reforms and privatisations.

It is now our common duty as Europeans to support the efforts of the Greek government and of the Greek citizens so they are not overwhelmed by mounting public debt. The Hellenic parliament has lived up to its responsibility. Now it is our responsibility in the EU to show full solidarity with the Greek people. We are not only assisting Greece, we are improving the stability of our entire financial sector.

In years to come, this vote may be seen as a turning point for Greece and the eurozone i. This was not an easy choice to make and I salute those who voted in favour of this tough reform package. They have shown remarkable leadership when it was most needed.

All of us in the EU are in the same boat, and in this rough sea of financial turbulence, going below the deck will not shelter us from the storm. We must act together in the fight against the debt crisis.

I hope that the vote on the implementation package will receive the same support tomorrow."


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