Commissie en EP openen nieuwe gezamenlijke register voor lobbyisten (en)

Met dank overgenomen van M. (Martin) Schulz i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 23 juni 2011.

The President of the European Parliament made the following statement after the signing of the Inter-institutional agreement on the joint European Parliament European Commission lobby register in the Plenary Chamber in Brussels on Thursday.

EP President Jerzy Buzek i said:

"With increased power comes greater responsibility, and I welcome the agreement on a joint transparency register between the European Parliament and the Commission. It represents an important step forward in regulating relations of MEPs with outside interests, providing a direct response to citizens' concerns. It sends a positive signal confirming our determination to instil transparent and ethical practices at the European level.

I hope and encourage the Council to join us in bringing greater transparency for the public and interest groups."


The new register that merges the existing registers of the two institutions will provide a "one-stop shop" both for citizens looking for information on lobbyists, as well as for lobbyists who only need to register once.

The new register will provide more information, such as the number of individuals involved in any activities relating to the register, and any EU funding or support received by the registrant. It will also set out procedures for handling complaints and sanctions.

Plenary press release 11 May 2011

Current lobby registers


  • Robert A. Golanski


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