Verklaring eurocommissaris Füle (uitbreiding) over partnerschap tussen EU en Moldavië (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 23 juni 2011.

I have just had a very fruitful discussion with Prime Minister Filat. We have taken stock of our rapidly developing relationship, within the framework of the Eastern Partnership. Moldova’s strong commitment to the goals of political association and economic integration is of the highest importance in this regard.

We have also discussed the new principles set out in the recently adopted Communication on the European Neighbourhood Policy and the new opportunities that this renewed policy offers specifically to Moldova and its citizens. Through this communication and the reference to article 49, the EU acknowledges the European aspirations and the European choice of Moldova.

We also discussed the new initiatives under the Eastern Partnership. I encouraged Prime Minister Filat that Moldova should take full advantage of these opportunities so that its relations with the EU can become even deeper and stronger.

Prime Minister Filat and I share the understanding that the recent local elections have confirmed broad popular support for reforms and further European integration.

It is now important that the Alliance reaches out to the opposition and that all political forces in Moldova jointly engage in the European reform agenda in the benefit of the citizens of Moldova.

We are intent on furthering our concrete support for these reforms, and on implementing the “more for more” principle.

For Moldova to consolidate its democratic development the absolute priorities must be:

  • the fight against corruption
  • the reform of the judicial and law enforcement systems
  • comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation
  • improvement of the investment climate
  • and the more technical reforms (such as competition policy or sanitary and phytosanitary standards) needed to enter negotiations on a deep and comprehensive free trade area

In addition, we are preparing the second tranche (of €20 million) of our macro-financial assistance, which will amount to €90 million in total. The team of EU high-level advisers has recently been reinforced and had its mandate prolonged. The Comprehensive Institution Building Programme starts being implemented. And we have identified priorities for the Pilot Regional Development Programme under the Eastern Partnership.

We also discussed the latest developments on the election of a new President. We all agree that, whatever solution is chosen, it has to be constitutional.