Raad steunt nieuwe lobbyregister Commissie en Parlement (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Hongaars voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 23 juni 2011, 17:33.

The Council supports the agreement between the European Parliament and the Commission, on the registration of lobbyists. Minister of State for EU Affairs Eniko Gyori, made a political statement about this in the mini-plenary meeting of the European Parliament, in Brussels on 23 June 2011.

The agreement between the European Parliament (EP) and the Commission on the transparency register was adopted by the MEPs in Strasbourg, on 11 May 2011. In the mini-plenary meeting of the Parliament before the ceremonial signing on 23 June, Eniko Gyori made a statement of support on behalf of the Council.

The statement of the Minister of State stressed that the “transparency register” will serve both the interests of the citizens and the smooth operation of the institutions.

Gyori highlighted that transparency is of special importance in the institutions of the European Union; and the Council remains committed to establishing its bases. "Citizens expect that those who act on their behalf at the EU level respect the highest possible standards. Accordingly, the Council supports the initiative of the EP and the European Commission, in the establishment of the common transparency register". she stressed.

The Minister of State highlighted that in order to make the operation of the institutions run smoothly and to involve civil society as well in the activities, the institutions of the Union and the various bodies and agencies, must operate with the highest level of publicity; bearing in mind the interests of the citizens. The Council’s opinion is that the list will also create an appropriate basis to settle relations with the interest of representatives. “The Council is ready to consider having a role in the register and looks forward to discuss the possible modalities with the two other institutions” Gyori said.

The transparency register is a list containing the names of lobbyists and other interest representatives operating in the EP and the European Commission. It will be mandatory to keep the names of not only lobbyists in the register, but also representatives of other organisations, churches, think-tanks who seek to establish contact with the Commission or with the EP. The purpose of the register is to make the activities of lobbyists transparent.

Earlier, the Commission and the Parliament also invited the Council to join the register. Ms Gyori indicated in the plenary meeting of the EP on 10 May,that she welcomes the initiative, and although the interest representatives usually do not get in direct contact with the Council, the Presidency is ready to support the establishment of the register, on behalf of the Council.