Europese top juni: economisch bestuur, migratie en Midden-Oosten staan op de agenda (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 21 juni 2011.

Invitation letter

by President Herman Van Rompuy i to the European Council

We will meet this coming Thursday and Friday for our June European Council. We will start at

19:30 with the customary meeting with the President of the European Parliament. I will use that opportunity to give my view on the work ahead for our meetings over the next months.

The dinner, starting at 20:00, will allow for an in-depth discussion of economic issues. President Trichet will join us for that part of the meeting. We will take stock of the progress on the various elements of the comprehensive approach agreed upon in March: the six legislative proposals on economic governance, the amendment to the EFSF i, the future ESM i. I look forward to our discussion on the recommendations proposed by the Commission and on the commitments made under the Euro Plus Pact. As agreed before, we need to take full ownership of the process in order to improve Europe's economic governance. By endorsing the country-specific recommendations we will close the first European Semester. We will also discuss recent developments in the euro zone i. Finally, we will confirm agreement on the nomination of Mr Draghi i as the future President of the European Central Bank.

At the plenary session on Friday morning, we will look at the crucial issue of migration. Following the good work of the Council, we should reassert the importance of free movement and give orientations for future work on such key issues as Schengen i governance, border management, partnerships with third countries in the Southern Mediterranean, and our Common European Asylum Policy.

Before lunch, we will quickly go through the conclusions. The lunch, the last session of our work, will be devoted to a political discussion on our Southern Neighbourhood policy and the situation in some of the countries concerned, particularly Libya. We will also touch on the situation in Syria and look at the best way to give a new perspective to the Middle East Peace Process. The discussion will be reflected as appropriate in a short declaration.