Hongaarse minister Gyori over de Europese economie (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Hongaars voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 20 juni 2011, 16:20.

The EU cannot return to the methods used before the economic crisis, as much more stringent fiscal policy is needed, Minister of State for EU Affairs, Eniko Gyori i said in Budapest on 20 June 2011. Ms Gyori gave a speech in an organisation of high-ranking business leaders, called the Ad Hoc Council.

The only feasible solution is a work-based economy, the Minister of State said. She pointed out that in the EU, the average level of employment is only 65 percent, the Europe 2020 strategy targeted to increase this figure by 75 percent. In the United States, it already stands at 75 percent and in China at 85 percent. Without increasing employment we will not be able to compete with the rest of the world, Ms Gyori stressed.

Additional elements of the solution will include the strengthening of the economic governance and establishing a stable macro-economic environment. We must simplify the rules for actors of the economy and conduct better economic diplomacy, by building bridges with emerging economies, the Minister of State said.

Ms Gyori highlighted that production must no longer be relocated outside Europe. Production must be kept in Europe, she said. At the same time, she added that this should not be accomplished by using administrative means. She considered it important to affirm that there is a real need for multi-national corporations, but small and medium enterprises are also needed.

As the President of the Council, Hungary has focused on strengthening the EU’s economy and the euro. It endeavours to strengthen the EU’s institutions and common policies, the Minister of State underlined. The Hungarian Presidency has concentrated on two important issues: the package of six legislative proposals and the macro-economic policy arrangement called the European Semester. Speaking about the package of six proposals, Ms Gyori said that through the intervention of the Hungarian Presidency, Member States have managed to develop a common position in March. Subsequently, two thousand motions for amendment were submitted by the European Parliament, and only two of these issues are left open. Concerning the European Semester, Ms Gyori called it a great accomplishment that the Hungarian Presidency has managed to keep to a tight deadline.

The Minister of State praised the February resolution on common energy policy, the enhanced cooperation initiated in order to ensure the unitary European patent and the review of the Small Business Act.

Officially called the European Government Business Relations Council, the Ad Hoc Council consists of about 40-50 European high-ranking business managers, who are responsible for government relations in their own companies. Members come from different European countries and represent several branches of industry and commerce. The council meets three times a year, each time in a different European capital, so that its members can conduct informal consultations with politicians and members of EU institutions.