Studie over uitbreiding Amsterdamse haven krijgt voor 1,3 miljoen aan Europese steun (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Uitvoerend Agentschap voor Innovatie en Netwerken (INEA) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 16 juni 2011.

An implementation study to analyse the expansion of the inlet to the port of Amsterdam in the Netherlands will benefit from EU TEN i-T support to the tune of €1.7 million. The study will assess the technical, financial and other risks associated with constructing a new sea lock to relieve congestion at the entrance of the port using a public-private partnership (PPP) procurement model.

The lock complex at Ijmuiden is the physical access point which connects the North Sea with the Port of Amsterdam and is the key bottleneck for ships reaching the Dutch city. Currently, the complex consists of four locks which are reaching their design limits in terms of the number, size and tonnage of ships they can handle.

The implementation study, which was submitted under the 2010 TEN-T Annual Call, is seen as an essential step towards optimising timing, technical, financial and environmental aspects and other risks associated with the construction of a new sea lock through a PPP procurement model.

The study is set to be completed by December 2012.

For more information, please consult the project's page!