Voorzitter Europarlement Buzek: Hongaars voorzitterschap heeft EU sterker gemaakt (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Hongaars voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 7 juni 2011, 18:47.

The Hungarian Presidency’s motto has been “Strong Europe,” and we found a natural ally in the European Parliament for our steps, which were aimed at the strengthening of the Union, Eniko Gyori i, Minister of State for EU Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stressed at the Presidency reception on 7 June 2011 in Strasbourg.

Since the European Parliament (EP) plenary meetings between 6 and 9 June, will be the last in Strasbourg during the term of the Hungarian Presidency, on this occasion Eniko Gyori hosted a reception for the representatives of the EP and the European Institutes, as well as for senior officials of the municipality of Strasbourg. The event was attended by President of the EP Jerzy Buzek i and Deputy Mayor of Strasbourg, Ms Nawel Rafik-Elmrini.

Ms Gyori thanked President Buzek and the entire European Parliament (EP), for their cooperation and the city of Strasbourg for the hospitality and for offering the luxurious Rohan Palace for the purposes of the reception.

The Minister of State recalled the efforts and results of the Presidency over the past few months, stressing that the Hungarian Presidency did not shy away from putting the most complex issues on its agenda. Eniko Gyori reminded that the motto of the Hungarian Presidency was simple but ambitious: “A strong Europe with a human touch”. This captures the aim of the Hungarian Presidency, to stress that any action in and interaction among European institutions should be benefitted by the European citizen, the Minister of State underlined.

The progress on matters set on the agenda of the Hungarian Presidency had strengthened Europe, Eniko Gyori stated. As examples, she mentioned the package of six legislative acts that was designed to strengthen economic governance in the EU, the shaping of the common energy policy and enlargement including the accession of Croatia. The Minister of State was glad to see the matter of the Roma on the agenda of the EU for the first time, and that as the legacy of the Hungarian Presidency Member States will have a common European political framework to improve the fate of this hardship stricken people.

Minister of State Gyori thanked the EP for having been the ally of the Hungarian Presidency concerning these priorities. The Hungarian Presidency defined itself as “Parliament-friendly”, and did its best to improve the cooperation between the Council and the EP. Ms Gyori warned that the people of Europe expect results, and difficulties with legal technicalities should not burden the legislative process. The Minister of State wished good luck for the entering Polish Presidency, and recommended that it should carry on the tradition of Parliament-friendliness.

In his response, President Jerzy Buzek recognised the commitment and performance of the Hungarian Presidency. “Even the skies are weeping with the end of the Hungarian Presidency in sight,” he remarked, referring to the imminent rain. He said the Hungarian Presidency proved to be a friend of the Parliament as well as among others European economy, enlargement and the Roma, and will leave a stronger and better Europe behind.