Europarlementariërs: 'Bulgarije en Roemenië moeten tot Schengenzone worden toegelaten' (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 8 juni 2011, 10:32.

Bulgaria and Romania have met the technical and legal criteria for joining the Schengen area and should be allowed in without further delay, according to most MEPs speaking in a debate on Tuesday. In a clear message to the Council, they said double standards must be avoided. There was no reason why Bulgarian and Romanian citizens should not be allowed to travel freely around the border control free zone.

Organised crime, trafficking in human beings and corruption were issues raised by some MEPs, but the majority insisted that these were not Schengen criteria, saying they trusted these countries to join the border-free area.