Europarlement schort immuniteit lid Ágnes Hankiss op (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 7 juni 2011, 12:19.

Parliament voted on Tuesday to waive the parliamentary immunity of Ágnes Hankiss, accused of defamation. Ms Hankiss's immunity was lifted because the events in question took place in 2004, before she was elected an MEP (July 2009), and because the case does not concern her political activities as an MEP.

In February 2004, a private plaintiff brought charges against Ms Hankiss, who on January 23 2004 made a statement, in a TV programme, which allegedly defamed the memory of a dead person, the plaintiff's father. Lengthy court proceedings followed and finally in November 2009 the Hungarian Supreme Court instructed the Central District Court of Buda to conduct new proceedings, for which the waiver was requested.

Procedure: Immunity