Voorstel maatregelen om Europese concurrentiepositie te stimuleren (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Ondernemingen en industrie (ENTR) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 1 juni 2011.

The European Commission proposes a series of legislative and non-legislative measures to develop more and faster standards. Standards are sets of voluntary technical and quality criteria for products, services and production processes. They help businesses work together and to save money for consumers.

The most important steps that the Commission took are the following:

  • push for more international standards
  • develop more market-driven European standards for services
  • propose a light and fast way to recognise the increasingly important ICT standards
  • enhance its cooperation with the leading standardisation organisations in Europe (i.e. CEN, CENELEC and ETSI)
  • involve organisations representing those most affected, or most concerned - consumers, small businesses, environmental and social organisations in the drafting of standards