Parlementsvoorzitter Buzek wil verlating oppositionele presidentskandidaten Wit-Rusland (en)

Met dank overgenomen van M. (Martin) Schulz i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 26 mei 2011.

Commenting on the convictions and sentencing against opposition presidential candidates in Belarus - Nikolai Statkevich and Dmitry Uss, EP President Jerzy Buzek said:

"The sentencing of Nikolai Statkevich and Dmitry Uss - opposition presidential candidates in Belarus shows the unfairness of the judicial system in Belarus. These opposition leaders should be supported, not convicted. They are standing up for a free and democratic Belarus. They stand against a Belarus where power is held in the hands of one man and his regime. We call for the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience. The European Parliament always stands on the side of the Belarusian people.

In line with the EP resolution of 12 May, we strongly condemn all convictions on the basis of the criminal charge of 'mass rioting' and find them arbitrary and politically motivated. We condemn that the trials were held behind closed doors and that detainees were denied the opportunity to call their witnesses and to meet discreetly and on a regular basis with their legal representatives. The EP declares that the trials were not conducted in an impartial manner.

The EP considers all charges against the presidential candidates Vladimir Neklyayev, Vitaly Rymashevsky, Nikolai Statkevich, Dmitry Uss and Andrei Sannikov to be illegal and inadmissible. We call for the candidates to be acquitted and spared any further persecution. We condemn the lack of respect for the fundamental rights of freedom of assembly and of expression shown by the Belarusian authorities, and call for the immediate and unconditional release of all protestors still in custody and for all charges against them to be dropped."

Note to editors:

On 12 May, the European Parliament reiterated its call to introduce targeted sanctions against selected state enterprises and to suspend Belarus participation in Eastern Partnership programme until it frees unconditionally all political prisoners.

European Parliament resolution of 12 May 2011 on the situation in Belarus:


Andrey Sannikaw, Nikolai Statkevich and Dmitry Uss were sentenced for five, six and five and a half years accordingly in a high security correctional institution.

Ex-presidential candidates Uladzimir Nyeklyayew and Vital Rymashewski were given a suspended two-year prison term with two years' probation and to a suspended two-year prison term accordingly.


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