Globaliseringsfonds keert ruim € 750.000,- uit aan Tsjechië en Polen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Werkgelegenheid, sociale zaken en inclusie (EMPL) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 24 mei 2011.

The payments will help 660 dismissed workers back into employment, following their redundancy in the sectors of food industry and production of machinery.

€323,820 will help 460 former workers of Unilever CR spol.s r.o. in the Czech Republic. Unilever decided to close its Czech factory at Nelahozeves and supply the local and EU markets from other production sites. This Unilever plant supplied food products to the entire EU market and the decline in demand for its products made it unsustainable.

€453,570 will help 200 workers made redundant by three machinery and equipment manufacturers in the Polish region of Podkarpackie. The dismissals were a consequence of the drop in exports, following decline in demand from the key trading partners Germany, Russia and the Ukraine, due to the global economic crisis.

These payments follow approval by the Budgetary Authority - the European Parliament and the Council - on 5 April 2011.