Hongaars voorzitterschap stelt mandaat onderhandelingen met het Europarlement over economisch beleid veilig (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Hongaars voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 17 mei 2011, 15:14.



Brussels, 17 May 2011 HunPR/34/2011

Presidency secures mandate for economic governance negotiations with


Meeting in Brussels on May 17, EU finance ministers have supported a report prepared by the Hungarian presidency, outlining possible ways for Member States to accommodate proposals made by the European Parliament concerning the economic governance legislative package. The chair of the ECOFIN Council, Minister György Matolcsy said: „This marks the beginning of what is hopefully the last stage in the adoption of this key building block of Europe’s comprehensive response to the crisis. Member States have carefully considered the position of the Parliament and sent a strong signal that they are willing to compromise on several areas which bring the package closer to achieving its original objectives in a realistic way. I hope the Parliament will consider the Council’s position positively, because it is imperative that we now finalise the legislative package before the end of June, dispelling any doubts about European legislators’ commitment to tackle the crisis.”

The Council welcomed the Presidency report and broadly supported its findings. Member States invariably stressed the importance of securing an agreement before the end of June and called on the Presidency to continue engaging the Parliament proactively with that objective in mind. In order to keep the momentum, Member States agreed that the report be used as a basis for further discussions.

The Hungarian presidency has prepared the report on the basis of five previous meetings with representatives of the Parliament and the Commission. The report outlines the main areas where discussion and approval on a political level was seen as key to ensuring that talks with the European Parliament continue towards an agreement in first reading, i.e. before the end of June. The six main areas identified by the Presidency are: 1., reenforcing financial sanctions, 2., extended use of reversed qualified majority voting 3., procedure for the adoption of the scoreboard, 4., economic dialogue and transparency, 5. medium-term solutions for crisis management, 6. codification of the European Semester.

For further information, please contact Márton HAJDÚ (+32 491 355 457) Presidency spokesperson at


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