Hongaars Voorzitterschap roept op tot actie in Europees Energiebeleid (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Hongaars voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 17 mei 2011, 14:42.

It is time we agreed on the concrete directions, technical background and financing of energy infrastructure development, Minister for National Development Tamás Fellegi underlined, at the press conference, which opened the high-profile conference on energy infrastructure in Budapest, on 16 May 2011.

The objective of the two-day event is that Member States, EU institutions, energy system operators, supervisory authorities and market actors, discuss the future of the EU’s energy infrastructure. Participants primarily exchanged views on the Europe 2020 Strategy, and the energy infrastructure developments, which was necessary for its implementation. Speaking of the Infrastructure Conference, Minister for National Development Tamás Fellegi stressed, that the modernization, extension and connection of energy networks is essential for Europe, to fulfil its energy policy undertakings, namely the enhancement of energy security and the creation of a low-carbon economy.

Financing is a key issue

At the press conference relating to the Infrastructure Conference, Tamás Fellegi said that the Energy Infrastructure Package (Energy infrastructure priorities for 2020 and beyond), shows the directions of the future developments, and the way of making supply safer, promoting the use of renewable energy sources, and enhancing energy efficiency. According to the Minister, now the “already established framework has to be filled with concrete, legal and financial plans”. Mr Fellegi was of the opinion that the 27 Member States should implement a common policy in these matters. “We need pointed discussions on the conditions of adopting strategic decisions, and the necessary financial resources”, Mr Fellegi said.

The Minister laid special emphasis on financing cross-border energy investments, onwhich the Member States concerned should reach a decision as soon as possible. According to the minister, “The financial background of the whole package and its conformity to the cohesion funds, will be a political priority.”

The Minister pointed out that the EU’s external dimensions of energy policy should be enhanced, in order to assure the security of energy supply.

A need for common strategy

“It is a great pleasure for me that the Hungarian Presidency has called attention to these important issues,” Commissioner for Energy Günther Oettinger said, welcoming the Presidency’s choice of subject. The politician did not conceal that the establishment of the single European energy market and the elimination of energy islands, will require approximately 20 billion euro. According to Mr Oettinger, the majority of the expenses will have to be paid by energy consumers.

The Commissioner underlined the importance of asking the opinion of everybody concerned: “We are ready to hold debates with every affected party, as it is important to come up with an ambitious proposal, to ensure that Europe is provided with the necessary energy infrastructure. Moreover, we will need the common plans after 2020, too.” From financing to authorisation and operation, every step of the process has to be agreed on by affected parties, and the Budapest conference is an excellent opportunity for launching this dialogue, said Mr Oettinger.

Diversification of energy sources

“We back every initiative, which promotes energy supply diversification in specific regions and in the Union,” Tamás Fellegi said, in response to questions on the Nabucco pipeline, at the end of the press conference. The pipeline would deliver Caspian natural gas from Turkey to Austria, through Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary. The Minister declared that the Hungarian Presidency continues to endorse such investments. “The interests of Member States and the EU match completely the concerning diversification of supply sources. Should these opportunities be seized, it would considerably improve the energy supply”, the Minister said.