Voorzitter Europarlement Buzek veroordeelt Wit-Rusland om gevangenisstraf oppositieleider (en)
I would like to express my deep solidarity with Mr Sannikov, his family,all other prisoners shamefully sentenced today and all those who are in prison for political reasons. I am very disappointed. As unfortunately expected the trial clearly showed far-fetched and ungrounded accusations. This is the regime's revenge for courage and openness. Andrei Sannikov was convicted because he stood up for the truth and democratic future of his country.
It is shameful that in the XXI century the slogan: "those who are not with us are against us" is still valid in Belarus. People like Andrei Sannikov are against a regime which is not for the country and its people. We call for the immediate release of all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience.
The European Parliament always stands by the side of the Belarusian people.