Belangrijkste onderdelen vergadering vertegenwoordigers ACS-landen en EU (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Hongaars voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 9 mei 2011, 15:52.

Brussels, 05 May 2011

The 61st Meeting of the ACP-EU (African, Caribbean, Pacific – European Union) Committee of Ambassadors was held in Brussels, on 3 May 2011. Operating under Article 16 of the Cotonou Agreement, the Committee’s main mission is to prepare the Joint ACP-EU Council of Ministers. The Joint ACP-EU Council of Ministers will convene in Brussels, on 31 May 2011. The Committee of Ambassadors was chaired by Usman Alhaji Baraya, Ambassador of Nigeria, which is currently holding the Presidency of the ACP Group, while Hungary’s Permanent Representative in Brussels, Péter Györkös acted as co-chair on behalf of Europe.

The Committee of Ambassadors reviewed the agenda items, which was proposed for the Joint ACP-EU Council of Ministers on 31 May 2011, and approved the final agenda. Meaningful discussions were held on the Economic Partnership Agreements, with regard to which ACP countries reiterated their request for more flexibility and the reinforcement of developments. The Committee of Ambassadors endorsed a report about the dialogue on migration and development; and the two sides confirmed their intentions that South Sudan should become member of the ACP Group and the Cotonou Agreement, as soon as possible.