Denemarken ontvangt 20 miljoen euro uit globaliseringsfonds (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Werkgelegenheid, sociale zaken en inclusie (EMPL) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 6 mei 2011.

The grant will help 1775 redundant workers in the wind turbines industry and in the shipbuilding sector to find new jobs. The application will now be sent to the European Parliament and the Member States (the EU's Budgetary Authority) for approval.

The Danish applications relate to 1,356 redundancies in Odense Steel Shipyard and to 1,650 workers made redundant by the wind turbine manufacturer LM Glasfiber.

Of the total 3,006 workers made redundant, the 1,775 workers with the biggest difficulties for their re-integration into the labour market are targeted for assistance from the EGF. The package will help the workers by offering them vocational education in areas with employment potential such as tourism, energy technology, robotics, landscaping and design; remedial education in areas such as reading, spelling and mathematics; entrepreneurship courses and ongoing advice and mentoring for entrepreneurs; incentives to start a new business and incentives for young workers to return to education; as well as the necessary subsistence allowances.

The total estimated cost of the EGF support package is approximately €31.6 million, of which the European Globalisation adjustment Fund will pay €20.4 million.