Eurocommissaris De Gucht op bilaterale bijeenkomst EU en Japan (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Handel (TRADE) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 2 mei 2011.

European Commissioner for Trade Karel De Gucht i and Japan’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Takeaki Matsumoto met today (2/5/2011) to discuss the preparation of the forthcoming EU-Japan Summit.

Commissioner De Gucht reiterated his personal condoleances for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami and expressed his conviction that Japan will emerge from this difficult period stronger than before.

Commissioner De Gucht and Minister Matsumoto had constructive discussions on the issue of the possible launch of a comprehensive bilateral agreement, which would include a free trade area. Commissioner De Gucht reflected the European Council conclusions of 24th/25th March 2011 by underlining the interest of the EU for such an agreement given the strategic importance of the EU-Japan relationship. He also stressed the need for Japan to demonstrate the capacity to tackle non tariff barriers and restrictions on public procurement as a step towards the launch of such negotiations.

Both parties agreed to intensify bilateral contacts at official level in the coming weeks in order to finalise the preparation of the Summit.

More on EU-Japan trade relations