EU wil gezondheids- en levenskwaliteit verbeteren door middel van stuurgroep (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Communicatienetwerken, Inhoud en Technologie (CNECT) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 2 mei 2011.

The number of Europeans aged 65+ is expected to increase by 45% between 2008 and 2030, and even further to over 30% of the population by 2060. This major challenge needs to be tackled at EU level to help older Europeans enjoy an active and healthy life. Meeting in Brussels for the first time today, an EU-led Steering Group will discuss how to improve the health and quality of life of older people, increase sustainability of healthcare systems and create new growth and market opportunities for Europe. This high level Steering Group is jointly chaired by Vice President Neelie Kroes i and Commissioner John Dalli i and includes Member States, regions, industry, health- and social care professionals, elderly and patient organisations and other interest groups. The strategy will form an integral part of Europe 2020's Innovation Union and Digital Agenda flagships.