EU faciliteert dialoog Servië en Kosovo over vrij verkeer van personen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 15 april 2011.

The third meeting of the dialogue foreseen in UN General Assembly Resolution 64/298 was held with the facilitation of the EU on 15 April, in Brussels. The meeting was chaired by the EU facilitator, Mr. Cooper. The Serbian delegation was led by Mr. Stefanovic and the Kosovo delegation was led by Ms. Tahiri.

The meeting built on the discussions from the two previous meetings, held on 8-9 and 28 March.

The main focus of the meeting was freedom of movement. The discussions revolved around several aspects: identity cards, passports, car insurances, driving licences and licence plates. Further discussions will be needed, including on the issue of the recognition of university diplomas which was also introduced today.

In light of work by various technical working groups the participants reviewed outstanding issues on civil registry, telecom and electricity. The EU underlined the need to find solutions in accordance with the EU acquis.

The next meeting will be held in mid-May.