Eurocommissaris Barnier en Europarlement kruisen degens over plannen nieuwe 'Akte interne markt' (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 13 april 2011, 18:47.

After his presentation Wednesday of the final Single Market Act proposals, Internal market Commissioner Michel Barnier i met Internal Market Committee MEPs to debate his plans to revive the EU single market, boost EU competitiveness and spur growth.

Mr Barnier outlined the 12 single market "levers" or key proposals, on: access to finance for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), citizens' mobility, intellectual property rights, consumers, services, networks in energy, telecommunications and transport, the digital single market, social business, taxation, social cohesion, a clear regulatory environment for businesses and public procurement.

MEPs quizzed Mr Barnier on leadership and governance of the single market, innovation, access to finance for SMEs, mobility for professionals, clarity of legislation and how to convey the benefits of the single market to citizens, rather than talking "over their heads".

More on Thursday