Verslag Raadsvergadering Justitie en Binnenlandse Zaken, 11-12 april 2011 (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 12 april 2011.

Justice and Home Affairs Council

Luxembourg, 11-12 April 2011

Presidents Mr Sándor PINTÉR Minister for the Interior

Mr Tibor NAVRACSICS Minister for Justice

Main results of the Council

The Council discussed migration and border related issues concerning the situation in the Southern neighbourhood region and adopted conclusions on the subject.

In a public session, the Council had a first exchange of views on a proposed EU PNR system, i.e. on the use of Passenger Name Record data (PNR) for the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of terrorist offenses and serious crime.

Ministers then took note of a Commission report on the joint EU-US review of the first six months of the implementation of the EU-US TFTP agreement. They also exchanged views on the state-of- play concerning the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) and on Greece's national action plan on migration management and asylum reform.

In the margins of the Council, the Mixed Committee (the EU plus Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland) discussed migration and border related issues concerning the situation in the Southern neighbourhood region, as stated above. The committee also looked at the state-of-play regarding negotiations on the proposed new rules for the European external borders agency Frontex. The committee then examined the state-of play regarding the development of the Visa Information System (VIS), the Schengen Information System II (SIS II) as well as the establishment of a European agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems.


PARTICIPANTS ...............................................................................................................................5


Southern Neighbourhood Region - Council conclusions .....................................................................7

EU PNR system..................................................................................................................................11

EU-US TFTP agreement review ........................................................................................................12

Common European Asylum System (CEAS) ....................................................................................13

Greece's National Action Plan on Migration Management and Asylum Reform ..............................14

Mixed Committee...............................................................................................................................15




  • Long term residence directive*..............................................................................................................................17
  • Visa facilitation agreements...................................................................................................................................17
  • CEPOL Work Programme for 2011.......................................................................................................................17
  • European Crime Prevention Network 2010 Annual Report - Council conclusions ...............................................17
  • Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design - Council conclusions ............................................................18
  • Use of police dogs - Council resolution.................................................................................................................18
  • Cooperation between Europol and the SECI Center /SELEC - Council conclusions ............................................18
  • Customs authorities and the fight against serious and organised cross-border crime - Council conclusions ........19
  • Risk Assessment for Disaster Management - Council conclusions .......................................................................19


  • Amended regulation on credit rating agencies*.....................................................................................................19
  • Ernst & Young approved as external auditors of National Bank of Belgium ........................................................19


  • Calendar and practical arrangements for the adoption of the EU budget 2012......................................................20
  • EU humanitarian aid and civil protection for Libya, Ivory Coast and Japan .........................................................20


  • EU-Korea Free Trade Agreement: Implementation of safeguard clause ...............................................................20


  • European development fund ..................................................................................................................................21


  • Safety in sports events ...........................................................................................................................................21
  • Major sports events with more than one organising country - Council resolution ................................................21


  • Long-range transboundary air pollution ................................................................................................................22


  • Committee of the Regions .....................................................................................................................................22



Ms Annemie TURTELBOOM Minister for the Interior

Mr Stefaan DE CLERCK Minister for Justice

Mr Melchior WATHELET Secretary of State for Immigration and Asylum


Mr Tsvetan TSVETANOV Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for the Interior

Ms Margarita POPOVA Minister for Justice Czech Republic:

Mr Viktor CECH Deputy Minister for the Interior

Mr Marek ZENÍSEK Deputy Minister for Justice


Mr Søren PIND Minister for Refugees, Immigration and Integration and Minister for Development Assistance

Mr Jeppe TRANHOLM-MIKKELSEN Permanent representative


Mr Hans-Peter FRIEDRICH Federal Minister for the Interior

Mr Max STADLER Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Justice


Mr Ken-Marti VAHER Minister for the Interior

Mr Kristen MICHAL Minister for Justice


Mr Alan SHATTER Minister for Justice and Equality


Mr Théodoros SOTIROPOULOS Permanent representative


Mr Alfredo PÉREZ RUBALCABA First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for the Interior and Government Spokesman

Mr Juan Carlos CAMPO MORENO State Secretary for Justice


Mr Claude GUEANT Minister for the Interior, Overseas Territories, Local and Regional Authorities and Immigration

Mr Philippe ETIENNE Permanent representative


Mr Roberto MARONI Minister for the Interior

Mr Angelino ALFANO Minister for Justice


Mr Loukas LOUKA Minister for Justice and Public Order

Mr Neoklis SYLIKIOTIS Minister for the Interior


Mr Aigars STOKENBERGS Minister for Justice

Ms Ilze JUHANSONE Permanent representative


Mr Raimundas PALAITIS Minister for the Interior

Mr Tomas VAITKEVICIUS Deputy Minister for Justice


Mr Jean-Marie HALSDORF Minister for the Interior and the Grande Région

Mr François BILTGEN Minister for Justice

Mr Nicolas SCHMIT Minister for Labour, Employment and Immigration


Mr Sándor PINTÉR Minister for the Interior

Mr Tibor NAVRACSICS Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Public Administration and Justice

Ms Krisztina BERTA Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of the Interior


Mr Carmelo MIFSUD BONNICI Minister for Justice and Home Affairs


Mr Gerd LEERS i Minister for Immigration and Asylum

Mr Fred TEEVEN i State Secretary for Security and Justice


Ms Claudia BANDION-ORTNER Federal Minister for Justice

Ms Maria FEKTER Federal Minister for the Interior


Mr Jerzy MILLER Minister for the Interior and Administration

Mr Krzysztof KWIATKOWSKI Minister for Justice


Mr Rui PEREIRA Minister for the Interior

Mr Manuel LOBO ANTUNES Permanent representative


Mr Traian IGAS Minister for Administration and Internal Affairs

Mr Marian Ctlin PREDOIU Minister for Justice


Ms Katarina KRESAL Minister for the Interior

Mr Ales ZALAR Minister for Justice


Mr Daniel LIPSIC Minister for the Interior

Ms Maria KOLIKOVA State Secretary at the Ministry of Justice


Ms Tuija BRAX Minister for Justice

Mr Antti PELTTARI State Secretary, Ministry of the Interior


Ms Beatrice ASK Minister for Justice

Mr Tobias BILLSTRÖM Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy

Mr Erik ULLENHAG Minister for Integration United Kingdom:

Ms Theresa MAY Secretary of State for the Home Department and Minister for Women and Equalities

Mr Kenneth CLARKE Lord Chancellor, Secretary of State for Justice


Ms Viviane REDING i Vice-President

Ms Cecilia MALMSTRÖM i Member

Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA i Member


Southern Neighbourhood Region - Council conclusions

The Council discussed developments in the Southern neighbourhood region and adopted conclusions as set out below, in the follow-up to the European Council declaration of 11 March 2011 ( EUCO 7/11, points 10-12) and to the 24-25 March 2011 conclusions (EUCO 10/11, points 18-26) focusing on the short term response to the crisis situation in the Mediterranean.

For a more long-term, comprehensive approach to migration with the countries of the Southern neighbourhood region to be endorsed by the European Council on 24 June 2011, the European Commission has been requested to present proposals.

The next steps up to the European Council in June will most likely be:

  • Commission communication (early May),
  • extraordinary JHA Council (12 May),
  • Commission package of legislative proposals (end May / early June),
  • JHA Council (9-10 June)
  • European Council (24 June).

The Council adopted the following conclusions:


  • a) 
    Recalling the Declaration of the Extraordinary European Council on 11 March 2011 and the conclusions of the European Council on 24 and 25 March 2011;
  • b) 
    Recalling the Joint Communication of 8 March 2011 to the European Council, the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the regions - A partnership for democracy and shared prosperity with the Southern Mediterranean;
  • c) 
    Bearing in mind the discussions at the JHA Council on 24 and 25 February 2011;
  • d) 
    Recalling the Stockholm Programme and the European Pact on Immigration and Asylum, and the Global Approach to Migration;
  • e) 
    Underlining that the situation in the Southern Neighbourhood and its migratory consequences continues to be a cause of common concern, which requires measures to be taken as a matter of urgency, as well as responses in the medium and long term;


  • 1. 
    The Council acknowledges the great efforts of UNHCR, IOM, ICRC and other international organisations, as well as the support given by the EU and its Member States to these efforts in providing humanitarian assistance and other support to persons displaced by conflict in Libya, and underlines the importance of continuing and further expanding this assistance.
  • 2. 
    The Council expresses appreciation for the decision of Tunisia and Egypt, as well as other countries neighbouring Libya, to receive people displaced as a result of the recent conflict and to cooperate with UNHCR, IOM and other organisations in providing support and assistance to those people, and encourages these countries to continue offering such support and facilities in cooperation with relevant organisations.
  • 3. 
    The Council reaffirms the need for genuine and concrete solidarity towards Member States most directly concerned by migratory movements and calls on the EU and its Member States to continue providing the necessary support as the situation evolves, such as by assisting the local authorities of the most affected Member States in addressing the immediate repercussions of migratory flows on the local economy and infrastructure. The Council welcomes the Commission's intention to extend, with the support of the current and incoming Presidencies of the Council, the existing pilot project, on a voluntary basis, for persons who are beneficiaries of international protection in Malta.
  • 4. 
    Considering the need for further resources to respond to the situation, the Council welcomes the intention of the Commission to mobilize supplementary funds that can be made available to Member States or FRONTEX at short notice when needed.
  • 5. 
    The Council calls on FRONTEX to continue to monitor the situation and prepare detailed risk analyses on possible scenarios with a view to identifying the most effective responses to them, and also invites FRONTEX to speed up negotiations with the countries of the region - and in particular with Tunisia - with a view to concluding operational working arrangements, and organising joint patrolling operations in cooperation with Tunisian authorities and in application of all relevant international Conventions, in particular the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea ("the Montego Bay Convention").
  • 6. 
    The Council urges Member States to provide further human and technical resources to support the Agency's operations, and in particular the existing Joint Operations Hermes, Poseidon Land and Sea and the possible deployment of a RABIT operation in Malta, in accordance with needs identified by the Agency in the light of the developing situation.
  • 7. 
    In order to rapidly strengthen the competences of FRONTEX and put more effective tools at its disposal, the Council agrees to accelerate negotiations on amending the FRONTEX Regulation, in cooperation with the European Parliament, with a view to reaching agreement by June 2011.
  • 8. 
    The Council underlines the need to promote all relevant forms of cooperation on a performance-based approach in the field of migration, mobility and security with the countries of the region that are sufficiently advanced in their reform progresses, and that effectively cooperate with the EU and its Member States in preventing illegal migration flows, managing their borders and cooperating in the return and readmission of irregular migrants. The Council stresses the need for early progress in the area of return and readmission in the case of relevant third countries, and recalls in particular that all States have an obligation to readmit their own nationals.
  • 9. 
    As additional funds will be necessary to develop cooperation with the authorities of the Southern Mediterranean and to assist them in the management of migration flows, the Council invites its competent preparatory bodies and the Commission to ensure that this objective is also taken into account.
  • 10. 
    The Council welcomes the outcome of the visits of the Presidency and the Commission to Egypt and Tunisia and the intention of the Commission to follow-up these visits by setting up dialogues with the authorities of these countries at senior officials' level, in which Member States will also participate, and which will be aimed at promoting the swift development of cooperation on the management of migration flows. This dialogue should in first instance, focus on the identification and promotion of measures which can contribute in a concrete and effective way to the prevention of illegal migration, to the effective management and control of their external borders, to the facilitation of the return and readmission of irregular migrants, and to the development of protection in the region for those in need, including through regional protection programmes. Subsequently, this dialogue could explore the possibilities for facilitating people-to-people contacts using instruments such as mobility partnerships.
  • 11. 
    The Council stresses the importance of offering durable protection solutions to those in need of international protection present in the countries of the Southern Neighbourhood, and, in this respect, calls on the Commission and the Council's preparatory bodies to examine the possibility of assisting those countries in capacity building in the area of international protection, including by activating existing regional protection programmes, and assessing the need for additional programmes in the region.
  • 12. 
    The Council recalls that resettlement of refugees on a voluntary basis, in particular those living for some years in a situation of protracted displacement and vulnerability, and having no other perspective, can represent a durable solution for them. The Council takes note of the willingness of certain Member States to consider offering resettlement opportunities for the refugees present in the region. The Council invites Member States to continue supporting UNHCR in the development of resettlement programmes and calls on the Commission to identify solutions for supporting financially such resettlement actions.
  • 13. 
    The Council underlines that the measures mentioned in the paragraphs above represent the immediate answer to the crisis situation in the Mediterranean, but that it is also crucial to put in place a more long-term sustainable strategy to address international protection, migration, mobility and security in general, and taking also the secondary movements to other Member States into account.
  • 14. 
    The Council welcomes the Commission's intention to come forward for that purpose with proposals in response to the Declaration of the Extraordinary European Council of 11 March and the Conclusions of the European Council of 24-25 March, and notes that the Presidency stands ready to convene an extraordinary meeting of the Council on 12 May if necessary in the light of developments and to further consider these matters."

EU PNR system

Ministers examined a Commission proposal for a directive on the use of flight passenger data for the protection against terrorist offences and serious crime ( 6007/11).

One of the main questions discussed was whether the proposed new rules should be limited to the collection of the so called Passenger Name Record (PNR) data for flights from and to third countries or whether flights within the EU should also be covered. A majority of member states was in favour of including at least an option so that each member state can mandate the collection of such data also with regard to targeted intra-European flights.

The overall purpose of the proposed directive is to set up a coherent EU-wide system on flight passenger data, by creating a single EU model for all member states participating in the new rules and ensuring cooperation between the relevant authorities within the Union. As a consequence, all air carriers flying on routes covered by the new rules would need to provide PNR data to member states' law enforcement authorities. These authorities will, however, only be allowed to use the data

  • that is already today collected by air carriers - for the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of terrorist offences and serious (transnational) crime.

24 EU member states will certainly participate in the adoption of the new directive, while Denmark will not be bound by the new rules. As far as the UK and Ireland is concerned, they will need to notify whether they want to opt-in or not.

For more information see this background note.

EU-US TFTP agreement review

The Council took note of a Commission report on the joint EU-US review of the first six months of the implementation of the EU-US TFTP agreement ( 8142/11). Article 13 of the EU-US TFTP agreement (OJ L 195, 27.7.2010) provides for a joint EU-US review six months after the agreement entered into force.

The EU review team has reached the conclusion that all of the relevant elements of the agreement have been implemented in accordance with its provisions, including the data protection provisions. The measures which have been taken to ensure such implementation by the US authorities are convincing, and in some cases go beyond what is required under the agreement. In addition, the review team has been presented with convincing indications of the added value of the TFTP to efforts to combat terrorism and its financing.

The review team also makes a number of recommendations to address perceived shortcomings. They focus on the desirability of providing more publicly accessible information on the way the program functions, in as far as this is possible, without endangering the effectiveness of the program. This concerns, in particular, the overall volume of data provided to the US authorities, and the number of financial payment messages accessed. The EU review team also suggests further enhancing the Europol verification procedure referred to in Article 4 of the agreement. In addition, the EU review team would welcome more verifiable statistical information on the added value of TFTP derived information to efforts to combat terrorism and its financing in order to further substantiate the added value of the program. It also recommends improving some aspects of the provision of information to the general public on the rights accorded to them under the agreement.

Finally, the EU review team provides a recommendation on the preparation of future reviews, and suggests that the implementation of the recommendations should be the subject of future review efforts.

For more information see this background note

Common European Asylum System (CEAS)

Ministers examined the state-of-play concerning the legislative proposals that are part of the establishment of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS).

The Council adopted an amendment to the Long Term Residents' Directive which extends all the rights provided in the text for third country nationals legally residing in an EU member states to beneficiaries of international protection. One of the most important rights granted by this directive - always after having lived in a member states for at least five years - is the right to become a resident in another EU member state.

Discussions are ongoing as regards the proposals amending the Dublin and the Eurodac Regulations. On the latter, the Commission signaled that it would come forward with a new proposal that would include one of the main demands by member states allowing access of law enforcement agencies to the Eurodac database.

The Commission also reiterated its intention to table revised proposals on the Reception Conditions and the Asylum Procedures Directive in time for a first discussion at the Justice and Home Affairs Council in June 2011.

Significant progress has been made in relation to the proposal amending the Qualification Directive.

In February and March 2011 the European Parliament and the Council agreed on their respective positions which allowed them to start negotiations.

Finally, the European Asylum Support Office started operations, including assistance to the asylum system in Greece. Assistance to Malta is also being prepared. In so doing, the Support Office is already contributing to practical cooperation in the field of asylum significantly in advance of the date set out in its establishing regulation (19 June 2011).

Greece's National Action Plan on Migration Management and Asylum Reform

The Council heard from the Greek minister and the Commission on the progress made concerning Greece's National Action Plan on Migration Management and Asylum Reform.

The Greek authorities set this plan up at the end of 2010 as a consequence of the substantial migratory pressure on their external borders and the subsequent increased pressure on their asylum system.

Acknowledging the European dimension of the Greek situation, the Commission and a large number of member states are assisting Greece in its efforts. The EU border agency Frontex launched in November 2010 a RABIT operation at parts of the Greek-Turkish border. In March 2011, the temporary RABIT operation was succeeded by the enlarged 2011 POSEIDON operation.

Furthermore, the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) is assisting Greece in implementing the Action Plan, in particular through the deployment of asylum support teams. Important assistance is also provided by international organisations such as the UNHCR.

Among other things, the Greek authorities adopted in November 2010 the Asylum Presidential Decree aimed at addressing the current backlog of over 50000 asylum cases. In January 2011, a law was adopted on the establishment of a new asylum service, the setting up of screening centres and the transposition of the so-called EU return directive.

Mixed Committee

In the margin of the Council session, the Mixed Committee (the EU plus Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland) discussed the following subjects:

Southern Neighbourhood Region

The committee discussed developments in the Southern neighbourhood region, in the follow-up to the European Council declaration of 11 March 2011 ( EUCO 7/11, points 10-12) and to the 24- 25 March 2011 conclusions (EUCO 10/11, points 18-26). Both texts identified a number of priorities for EU action which required to be taken forward in the short, medium and long term.

The Council later adopted conclusions on the subject (see separate item above).

Frontex Regulation

The committee looked at the state-of-play of discussions on the revision of the rules concerning the European external borders agency Frontex ( 6898/10). Some of the issues outstanding include:

  • the monitoring in the context of return cooperation;
  • the processing of personal data collected by member states for the purpose of risk analysis in the context of operational activities coordinated by the agency; and
  • the involvement of third countries, EU agencies and international organisations in Frontex activities.

The presidency intends to start negotiations with the European Parliament in the coming weeks. The goal is to reach agreement before the summer in line with the conclusions of the European Council of 24 March 2011.

EU IT Agency

The Committee also discussed the state-of-play on the establishment of a European agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems (such as the second-generation Schengen Information System (SIS II), the Visa Information System (VIS) and EURODAC) ( 11722/09).

On this dossier, the Council aims to reach a first reading agreement with the European Parliament before the summer.


The committee discussed the state-of-play of the implementation of the Schengen Information System II (SIS II). The global schedule presented by the Commission at the Council meeting in October 2010 provides for entry into operation of the SIS II by the first quarter of 2013.


The committee also looked at the progress made regarding the preparations of the Visa Information System (VIS). For the VIS to go live, the central VIS, managed by the Commission, the national VIS of each individual member state as well as preparations at the external border crossing points and in the consulates of the first roll-out region (North Africa) must be ready. The central VIS is expected to be ready by the end of June 2011. The member states will then need to notify the readiness of their national systems as well as their consulates. The whole system should start operating in the autumn 2011.


Under any other business, Romania informed about a meeting of the ministers of interior of the member states of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) that will take place on 14 April 2011. The main subject will be regional efforts on preventing and combating corruption.

In the light of the Tsunami and current nuclear crisis in Japan, Belgium suggested further reflections on a EU cooperation mechanism in case of a nuclear incident.



Long term residence directive*

The Council adopted an amendment to the Long Term Residents' directive which extends all the rights provided in the text for third country nationals legally residing in an EU member states to beneficiaries of international protection ( 66/10 + 8427/11 ADD 1 REV 1).

One of the most important rights granted by this directive - always after having lived in a member states for at least five years - is the right to become a resident in another EU member state.

For more information see the following press release.

Visa facilitation agreements

The Council adopted three decisions authorising the Commission to open negotiations with the Russian Federation, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova for the conclusion of agreements on the issuance of visas which amend the visa facilitation agreements currently in force between the European Union and these countries.

CEPOL Work Programme for 2011

The Council adopted the 2011CEPOL (European Police College) Work Programme (7645/11), which includes new priorities, topics and administrative tools. The support to the national colleges in implementing common curricula is a priority, as well as the development of e-Learning modules and the exchange programme for 2011 - 2012.

European Crime Prevention Network 2010 Annual Report - Council conclusions

The Council adopted conclusions on the European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN) 2010 Annual report and Work Programme for 2011 (7135/1/11 REV 1). The EUCPN supports crime prevention activities by exchanging best practices, expertise, information and contacts in this field.

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design - Council conclusions

The Council adopted conclusions on Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) ( 8094/11). CPTED is a multi-disciplinary approach to deterring criminal behaviour: it is based on the theory that the physical environment influences human behaviour. CPTED strategies rely upon the ability to influence offender decisions that precede criminal acts.

Therefore member states are encouraged to apply CPTED for all relevant urban planning applications and to promote the adoption of the philosophy and principles of CPTED by police forces and local authorities, in order to improve the quality of life for the community.

Use of police dogs - Council resolution

The Council adopted a resolution on the use of police dogs in the European Union (8178/11). It invites member states to create a network of police dog professionals (KYNOPOL) in order to enhance cooperation and coordination of the activities of the member states' law enforcement authorities regarding the use of police dogs.

Cooperation between Europol and the SECI Center /SELEC - Council conclusions

The Council adopted conclusions on cooperation between Europol and the SECI (East Southeast European Cooperation) Center /SELEC (Southeast European Law Enforcement Centre) ( 8185/11), which aim at ensuring compatibility between these structures and Europol's legal framework, in order to avoid a possible duplication of roles and tasks.

Europol should have the driving role for preventing and combating serious crime and the SECI Center /SELEC should constitute an operational platform for cooperation and coordination between its member states, focusing on the organisation of joint operations and providing Europol with criminal intelligence for analytical purposes.

Customs authorities and the fight against serious and organised cross-border crime - Council conclusions

The Council adopted conclusions on the contribution of the customs authorities to the implementation of the Stockholm Programme in the fight against serious and organised cross- border crime (See 8096/11).

Risk Assessment for Disaster Management - Council conclusions

The Council adopted conclusions on Further Developing Risk Assessment for Disaster Management within the European Union (See 8068/11).


Amended regulation on credit rating agencies*

The Council adopted a regulation amending regulation 1060/2009 on credit rating agencies in order to introduce centralised oversight of credit rating agencies operating in the EU ( 70/10 + 8116/11 ADD 1).

The amendment is aimed in particular at entrusting the European Securities and Markets Authority with the necessary powers to perform new tasks for the registration and oversight of credit rating agencies.

Ernst & Young approved as external auditors of National Bank of Belgium

The Council adopted a decision approving Ernst & Young Bedrijfsrevisoren/Réviseurs d'entreprises as the external auditors of the National Bank of Belgium for the financial years 2011 to 2013, with the possibility of one single renewal for the financial years 2014 to 2016 ( 7151/11).

The Council decision amends decision 1999/70/EC.


Calendar and practical arrangements for the adoption of the EU budget 2012

The Council approved the calendar for this year's budgetary procedure and the modalities for the functioning of the Conciliation committee as agreed during the trilogue between the Hungarian Presidency, the European Parliament and the Commission held on 30 March 2011 ( 8445/11).

EU humanitarian aid and civil protection for Libya, Ivory Coast and Japan

The Council approved additional financial resources for humanitarian aid and civil protection in Libya, Ivory Coast and Japan. In total, EUR 60 million in commitment appropriations are made available through transfer from the emergency aid reserve. EUR 55 million will allow the EU to timely and swiftly respond to the possible aggravation of the humanitarian situation in Libya and Ivory Coast, and to face other new needs that may occur. Further EUR 5 million will be used to maintain sufficient capacity of the EU civil protection mechanism for further intervention, following the Libya crisis and the tsunami in Japan.


EU-Korea Free Trade Agreement: Implementation of safeguard clause

The Council adopted a regulation implementing the bilateral safeguard clause of the EU-Korea Free Trade Agreement ( 8/11).

The agreement was signed in October 2010, and it was agreed that its provisional application would start on 1 July 2011, provided that a regulation implementing the bilateral safeguard clause were in place.

The clause provides for the possibility of imposing safeguard measures in response to a serious injury or threat of serious injury to EU producers caused by imports benefiting from duty drawback or exemption from customs duty.


European development fund

The Council amended the financial regulation for the European development fund (EDF) ( 7497/1/11 REV 1) to take account of the creation of the European External Action Service. The Commission may accordingly delegate to heads of Union delegations, who are part of the External Action Service, its powers to manage funds from the EDF.


Safety in sports events

The Council adopted the annual action plan implementing the 2011-2013 EU Work Programme (7315/11) on further measures designed to maximise safety and security in connection with sports events, in particular football matches, with an international dimension.

The European strategy and associated preventive measures need to be flexible and non-mandatory in order to be adaptable to national (or indeed local) circumstances and should build upon current European governmental and police co-operation in this field.

Major sports events with more than one organising country - Council resolution

The Council adopted a resolution concerning recommendations for hosting major football and other sports events, in particular tournaments with more than one organising country ( 8179/11).These recommendations are built upon the updated handbook adopted last year by the Council, which includes recommendations for international police cooperation and measures to prevent and control violence and disturbances in connection with football matches with an international dimension, in which at least one member state is involved ( OJ C 165, 24.6.2010).

[[note: 2 OJ C 165, 24.6.2010, p. 1. The previous versions of this handbook were adopted by the Council in 1999 (OJ C 196, 13.7.1999, p. 1), 2001 (OJ C 22, 24.1.2002, p. 1), and 2006 (OJ C 322, 29.12.2006, p. 1).]]


Long-range transboundary air pollution

The Council revised the negotiating directives for the EU's participation in the international negotiations to amend the protocol on heavy metals to the convention on long-range transboundary air pollution (8207/11). This was to take account of a change in the scope of the talks.


Committee of the Regions

The Council appointed Mr Riccardo VENTRE (Italy) as a member of the Committee of the Regions for the remainder of the current term of office, which runs until 25 January 2015 ( 8749/11).