Rol onderwijs in bevorderen ondernemerschap onderwerp van Europese conferentie (en)
Policy-makers, teachers and entrepreneurs will discuss the role of teachers for the spread and quality of entrepreneurship education at a symposium in Budapest on 7-8 April. Stimulating the entrepreneurial mindsets of young people through education and training is already high on the agenda in most EU Member States and an objective of the EU under its Europe 2020 strategy. This event, which is organised by the European Commission, is the first Europe-wide opportunity to follow-up on the work of European high level reflection panels on entrepreneurship education in 2009 and 2010.
The High Level Symposium on "Entrepreneurship Education - Teacher Education as Critical Success Factor" is jointly organised by the Commission's services in charge of enterprise and education. It takes forward a key recommendation from the 2009/2010 High Level Reflection Panels on Entrepreneurship Education to take stock of progress on entrepreneurship education and to discuss critical success factors for its systematic development and promotion across Europe.
As part of this process, it was underlined that the teaching profession is pivotal to any moves to bring forward entrepreneurship promotion within national education systems. Teachers are fundamental in building young people's entrepreneurial mindset. It is therefore crucial to enable teachers to engage in entrepreneurship education and provide them with the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to do so through their own education and training.
The Symposium will be a two-day event that combines an "Innovation Camp"- seeking to generate new ideas on how to enable teachers to engage in entrepreneurship education - with 'Reflection Panels' to discuss concrete and applicable actions that could be achieved in the near future. The overall vision of the symposium is that the participants take home concrete ideas or action plans on how they can help, whether they are policy makers, education practicioners or teachers' representatives, enable teachers to engage successfully in entrepreneurship education.
A report with a summary of the main contents of the discussions at the Symposium will be published later this year.
To know more
-European Commission: Entrepreneurship Education