Kritiek Europees Parlement op ontmantelingsprogramma's kerncentrales in Bulgarije, Litouwen en Slowakije (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 5 april 2011, 12:42.

Delays, lack of coordination and too much money going to unrelated energy projects were among criticisms made of the nuclear power plant decommissioning programmes in Bulgaria, Lithuania and Slovakia in a European Parliament resolution adopted on Tuesday.

Lithuania, Slovakia and Bulgaria currently receive EU funds for managing the decommissioning of three old power plants.

These programmes must be improved if the EU is to continue its support, says the resolution, which evaluates the way funds were used in the period 2007-2013 and represents Parliament's input into plans to extend the programmes after 2013.

While welcoming progress made so far, MEPs are worried about delays and the general lack of coordination. They ask the European Commission to set up a coordination team to supervise the plans, the timetable and the use of money so far, to determine if there is a further need for an EU role and to decide on responsibilities within the programmes.

In their resolution, drafted by Marian-Jean Marinescu (EPP, RO) and adopted on Tuesday by show of hands, MEPs also question the relatively high share of EU funds going to energy projects not directly related to the three power plants.

The European Court of Auditors will compile a special report on the three decommissioning programmes, to be published this autumn. Parliament asks the Court to say if the funds were used as intended, if public procurement procedures were respected, if the money spent led to better safety, if the EU anti-fraud agency OLAF has been involved and whether there has been enough coordination between the programmes.

During the current long term budget framework (2007-2013), EU aid is estimated to be €1367 million for Ignalina (Lithuania), €613 million for Bohunice (Slovakia) and €868 million for Kozloduy (Bulgaria). The programmes consist of measures in the areas of decommissioning (e.g. waste treatment and fuel decontamination), energy (such as improving energy supply and upgrading infrastructure) and social consequences (safety support for plant personnel and re-training of staff).

Procedure: Non-legislative resolution