Conclusies bijeenkomst EU-vervoersministers: satellietprogramma's centraal (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 31 maart 2011.


3080th Council meeting

Transport, Telecommunications and Energy

Brussels, 31 March 2011

President Mr Pál Völner, Minister of State for Infrastructure of Hungary

Main results of the Council

The Council reached agreement on a general approach on the rules for access to the Public Regulated Service (PRS) provided by the European global navigation satellite system under the Galileo programme and designed to ensure continuity of service for sensitive applications used by governmental and other authorised bodies.

It also adopted conclusions on the mid-term review of the European satellite radio navigation programmes EGNOS and Galileo, reaffirming its strong commitment to those programmes, whilst calling for containment of the costs they entail.

Further, ministers discussed the state of play as regards a proposed modification of the current regulation on the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), providing for an extension of EMSA's tasks and some changes to its governance structure.

The Council adopted its position on the accession of the EU to the protocol of 2002 to the 1974 Athens Convention on the carriage of passengers and their luggage by sea. The two draft decisions on the accession will now be transmitted to the European Parliament for consent.

In the field of aviation, ministers authorised the signing and provisional application of a memorandum of cooperation between the EU and the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), providing a general framework for enhanced cooperation.

They also gave the Commission a mandate to open negotiations to amend the air transport agreement with Switzerland with a view to including traffic rights between points within Switzerland and between points within EU member states -