Werkgroep Europarlement gaat nieuwe gedragsregels Europarlementariërs en lobbyisten bespreken (en)
Parliament’s political leadership has decided to overhaul rules governing the access and behaviour of lobbyists and to tighten the code of conduct for MEPs. At a meeting on Thursday between President Jerzy Buzek i and the leaders of the political groups, the decision was taken to set up a working group of MEPs to elaborate a new set of rules.
Mr Buzek said “I believe that we need to look very closely at the question of what we expect from Members of the European Parliament, both in terms of their own behaviour and their contacts with outside interests of various kinds.”
The political group leaders unanimously endorsed the proposals outlined by Mr Buzek such as setting clear rules for the activities of lobbyists in the Parliament, strengthening the code of conduct for MEPs and proposing changes to the Rules of Procedure to enact these new rules. The political group leaders also gave their unanimous approval to the line of action taken since the publication in the Sunday Times of allegations of corruption against four MEPs.