EU stelt 65,9 miljoen euro beschikbaar voor ondersteuning van het vredesproces in Somalië (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 28 maart 2011.

During the annual joint meeting of the Ministers of Finance and economy of the African Union, Commissioner Piebalgs confirmed European Commission's support to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) by announcing an additional EUR 65.9 million to help keep the peacekeeping force in place and provide them with the means to do their job more easily, including medical care, transport and allowances.

EU Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs i, said: "There is no development without security. AMISOM does a vital job in Somalia, ensuring that human rights are respected, citizens are protected and internally displaced persons and refugees can return home in safety and dignity. This additional funding will enable the African mission to carry out its role in helping to protect the people of Somalia. "

Today's increase in funding brings the EU allocation to AMISOM to a total of EUR 208 million funded under the African Peace Facility (APF) since 2007.

AMISOM has had an uninterrupted peacekeeping presence in Mogadishu since March 2007. The renewed EU support will mean that it can continue to provide protection to the Transitional Federal Institution, assist in the implementation of the National Security and Stabilisation plan (NSSP), facilitate humanitarian operations and provide support to disarmament and stabilisation efforts.


EU support to AMISOM is funded under the African Peace Facility and channelled through the African Union. Today's decision is the fifth of its kind ("AMISOM V"). From the beginning of the operation, EU funding to AMISOM has provided predictable and continued support to key mission costs, including troop allowances for peacekeepers, salaries for civilian staff, transport and medical costs.

The support to AMISOM is part of a multi-level EU strategy towards Somalia which includes regular assistance to the security sector through development programmes and projects, humanitarian assistance, naval security operations and security training.

More information:

The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM):

The Africa-EU Partnership: